纪念:Richard gaillardez


著名教会学家Richard R. Gaillardetz, 电子游戏软件天主教系统神学约瑟夫教授,获奖神学家和作家, 11月7日去世, 2023. His death comes 20 months after being diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. 他享年65岁.

博士的葬礼弥撒. Gaillardetz will be celebrated on November 16 at St. 依纳爵教堂,早上九点半开始.m. A wake will be held at Gormley Funeral Home, 2055 Centre St.11月15日下午4点在西罗克斯伯里.m. 到晚上7:15.m., followed by a vigil service from 7:15 p.m. 到8点.m.

Dr. 盖拉德兹在解释和接受梵蒂冈第二次会议和天主教会的权威问题上是一个受人尊敬的杰出声音. He was the author/co-author of nine books, 其他六人的编辑, 和 author of more than a 100 articles 和 book reviews. 他也是一位受欢迎的公众演说家, addressing theological 和 pastoral conferences throughout the world.

他的书 Teaching with Authority: A Theology of the Magisterium of the Church,是该领域的标准文本,并且已经印刷了四分之一个世纪. An expert on ecumenical councils, Gaillardetz’s Keys to the Council: Unlocking the Teaching of Vatican II (与凯瑟琳·克利福德合著) 呈现了一个不那么吓人和更容易理解的介绍梵蒂冈二世的愿景. 他的其他著名作品包括 什么权威? Foundations 为 Underst和ing Authority in the ChurchAn Unfinished Council: Vatican II, Pope Francis, 和 the Renewal of Catholics. 他的出版物获得了天主教新闻协会和天主教出版商协会的众多奖项.

在部门内部, 和我们的同事, 工作人员, 本科, 还有电子游戏正规平台生, 以及我们大学内部, 学院, 和教会, 理查德Gaillardetz教授分享了他对教会现在和未来的热爱和热情, 和 为 the not-yet fully realized contributions of the Second Vatican Council,” said Theology Department Chair Andrea Vicini, S.J.沃尔什生物伦理学教授. “带着衷心的感谢,我们将深深地怀念他,并努力继续他的神学工作.”

“我想没有人会否认瑞克是英语世界里最有成就的教会学家,” said Professor of Theology Stephen Pope. “He was immensely respected 为 his work ethic 和 intelligence."

神学教授博伊德·泰勒·库尔曼说:“里克才华横溢,多产. ”他写道 关于 和 为 the Church, which he loved deeply 和 served faithfully. His great scholarly gift was to be an effective, compelling communicator of sophisticated theological ideas to a wide audience, that both satisfied specialists 和 stimulated non-specialists."

“Rick was a spectacularly good teacher," Pope added. "His high st和ards could intimidate 学生s, but he would go out of his way to help 学生s meet those st和ards, 他们是在努力更好地理解材料还是写得更好. He could teach anyone—from a first-year 本科 to a Ph.D. 学生.”

Dr. 盖拉德兹因其在2016年至2022年担任神学系系主任期间具有影响力的领导而被人们铭记.

“主席, 里克是奉献精神的典范, 强度, 和谦卑," said Professor of Theology Catherine Cornille, who holds the Newton College Alumnae Chair. “虽然他的个性很有传奇色彩, 他也非常敏感,关心系里每一个成员的幸福和发展."

"Rick had a vision 为 the mission of the department, as well as a concern 为 the well-being of all the individual faculty members, 尤其是那些感到被边缘化的人, 或被低估了, 或者燃尽,库尔曼说。. “他在两条战线上都采取了主动, 不是通过强加或胁迫, 而是通过邀请和劝说."

“作为系主任,他不知疲倦地为系里的共同利益而工作, 尽他所能, 为了所有人的利益," added Associate Professor of Theology Jeremy Wilkins, 洛尼根中心主任. 

Dr. Gaillardetz was also known 为 his fondness 为 cooking, 打高尔夫球, 和 playing racquetball—each approached with his characteristic intensity. 他是德州大学长角牛队和德州游骑兵队的狂热粉丝, who won their first World Series days be为e his passing.

“Whatever Rick did, he put his heart 和 soul into it. Rick could be very 为midable 和 intensely focused,蒲柏指出, “but he had the ability to laugh at himself. 他有一种真正的谦卑.”

波普博士指出. Gaillardetz的竞争力与他在培养深厚友谊方面的同情心和意向性不相上下. 

"Rick's chief virtue was friendship," said Wilkins, who credited Dr. Gaillardetz with initiating a friend group with others on campus. “里克是一个真正的朋友. 他想善待每个人."

"Rick showed his friends what friendship can really be, 和 why the art of friendship is in fact a spiritual art. 永远渴望快乐的陪伴, he also knew how to depend upon his friends in times of need," said Associate Professor of Theology Brian Robinette.

Coolman called him a "helluva friend" who is "already achingly missed."

在他们的回忆中, many friends noted his singular devotion to his wife, 戴安娜, 和他们的四个儿子. "Rick was one of the best family men I’ve ever known,蒲柏说。, 他补充说,他和戴安娜会向电子游戏正规平台生和同事们开放他们的家,他们在假期需要一个地方去.

“Rick was a person of deep 基督教 和 Catholic faith," Pope added. "That's what drove everything he did professionally 和 personally. 他的信仰使他充满希望.”

Dr. Gaillardetz和他的同事Thomas Groome和Richard 伦男共同主持了一个关于“当代教会的圣职和事工”的教师研讨会,这句话引起了一位学者的注意, 实用, 和 ecclesiastical examination of the priesthood 和 ministry. 经过两年的会议, 该组织发布了一份文件, “为上帝的子民服务,” that outlined the essence of the priestly ministry. 这份文件是2020年在电子游戏软件举行的红衣主教会议的基础, 主教, 学校校长, 按立牧师和平信徒牧师, 和学者. 在结论部分, 会议发表了一份正式公报,概述了10项牧灵建议,以扩大现有的教会事工,并探索按立事工的新模式. The seminar’s project culminated in the publication of 祭司的事工和上帝的子民, 这是一本来自各种声音的随笔书,他们对神职人员的未来提出了最好的希望. Dr. Gaillardetz served as a co-editor 和 contributor, along with Groome 和 Fr. 伦男.

在书中,Dr. Gaillardetz highlighted the flaws in the existing system 为 为ming priests. “我们目前的职业体系更多是为了辨别圣职任命的障碍,而不是为了实现真正的牧灵领导或任何形式的牧灵事工而存在的神恩或才能.”

“作为一名神学家,里克是一个充满活力和非凡创造力的人。. 伦男. “瑞克在教会神学和事工方面的工作极大地丰富了美国及其他地区教会社区的生活. 作为老师, 里克是一个熟练的沟通者, 能够以一种清晰而引人注目的方式表达复杂的想法,邀请他的听众进行对话. 里克例证, 在很多方面, “爱教会”的特质:他既不浪漫,也不道歉,而是始终坚定地致力于实现以信仰为特征的教会, 对转换持开放态度, 和生活方式,体现了作为耶稣基督门徒的一切意义.”

在2022年9月,大学主办了一个会议,以庆祝博士的遗产. Gaillardetz as a scholar, teacher, 和 mentor. Hundreds of theologians 和 为mer 学生s gathered on campus 为 the event, titled “New Directions in Ecclesiology: The Contributions of 理查德Gaillardetz.” The conference included an address by Dr. 这是他的最后一次演讲,题目是“爱与改革一个神圣但破碎的教会”.”

在他的演讲中. 盖拉德兹鼓励他的同事们继续“有意义和持久的教会改革”的工作,并在过度批评天主教会作为一个机构和过度信任其领导人之间寻求一条中间道路, especially after the clergy sexual abuse sc和als, according to coverage of the conference in 国家天主教记者.

“我们今天的教会正在为我们未能保持反思的平衡付出代价. 我们正分成两个阵营, 那些拥抱传统的人, 整个布, as a reality that st和s beyond critique, 还有一些人,他们的全面谴责只给我们留下了一个基本上已经失败的传统的一些可挽救的碎片,他说.

In perhaps his most profound 和 final act as teacher 和 friend, he invited others to follow his illness journey via a blog he kept. His posts touched upon both the personal 和 the medical, 都是由一个坚定的天主教徒分享的, 基督教, 充满信仰的镜头. 

"In addition to his important work in the area of ecclesiology, 他也将被铭记,因为他在分享他最后旅程的经历时所传授的精神智慧,科尼尔说。.

一位老师到最后, his best lesson 为 all of us was the way he practiced the art of dying well,威尔金斯补充道.

Dr. 盖拉德兹出生并成长在一个军人家庭,年轻时大部分时间都在旅行, 他认为这段经历培养了他对人的多样性的终身欣赏.

他得了B.A. in humanities from the University of 德州-Austin, an M.A. 在圣经神学中,从圣. Mary’s University in San Antonio, 和 both an M.A. 和Ph值.D. in systematic theology from the University of Notre Dame.

He joined the 电子游戏软件 Theology Department in 2011. 在加入BC之前,Dr. Gaillardetz was the Margaret 和 Thomas Murray 和 James J. Bacik Professor of Catholic Studies at the University of Toledo. 他还曾在英国圣乔治大学任教. 圣托马斯神学电子游戏正规平台生院. 休斯敦的玛丽神学院.

Dr. 盖拉德兹是美国天主教神学协会的成员和前任主席, the largest professional association of Catholic theologians in the world. 他也是美国宗教学会(American Academy of Religion)和大学神学学会(College Theology Society)的成员. 他曾获得巴里大学的Yves Congar神学卓越奖和华盛顿神学联盟的索菲亚奖,以表彰他在神学服务方面的卓越表现.

今年早些时候, he received an honorary doctorate from Oblate School of Theology, a Catholic graduate school 为 theological studies in San Antonio, 德州.

他的妻子去世了, 戴安娜, who graduated from the BC School of Social Work in 2022, 他们的儿子大卫, M.S.W. ’16, M.A. ’19; Andrew; Brian ’17; 和 Gregory ’19, 和 gr和son, Elliot.